Headquartered in Zagreb, Azonprinter operates all over the world and in addition to a range of UV printers (desktop series and industrial printers suitably designed for customisation), the company also produces DTF printers. Latest DTF product from the company is a Primo + Neon X DTF system, an A3 (desktop) DTF printer. The new desktop series can be in a variant with a regular (CMYK + White) configuration (Pronto printer) or neon (neon yellow and neon magenta instead of regular yellow and regular magenta – Pronto Neon).
The 24-inch new series can combine plain and neon colours. Azonprinter pushed the boundaries of DTF printer technology and brought it to a new level. Primo + Neon X printer stands out (in addition to CMYK+ White, it has 4 neon colours—neon yellow, neon magenta, neon orange & neon green). Some of the features of the Primo + Neon X printer are built-in ink tank mixing and recirculation systems and automatic nozzle check in a programmable time frame.