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Roland releases new VersaUV LEF2-300D flatbed UV printer

Ongoing COVID-19 crisis has dramatically altered the way people are conducting business around the world. The current market requires that companies evaluate their product and service offerings and ways to create alternative revenue streams. With retailer focus shifting almost entirely to the e-commerce space, at least for the time being, the launch of Roland’s new VersaUV LEF2-300D flatbed UV printer gives those selling their products online a way to stand out from the competition by offering personalised and customised products. The LEF2-300D, with its expanded workspace that supports a height of up to 7.87 inch (200 mm) –twice that of standard LEF2 models – makes product customisation easy and versatile, enabling users to print text and full-colour graphics directly onto an even broader range of objects.

Features similar with all Roland LEF2 series printers, the newly launched LEF2-300D employs UV-LED lamps to instantly cure ink, making direct-printing onto plastics, leather, wood, fabrics, and other materials simple. It also allows users to add ultra realistic graphics and simulated embossing to a wide variety of items, including smart phone cases, awards, souvenirs, giftware, leather goods, electronic devices, and more. With the added height, the LEF2-300D’s workspace is doubled, enabling it to print onto thicker materials and objects, as well as a greater array of shapes by accommodating diverse fixture sizes and types.

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