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Roland DGA with partner to push limits of surface design

Roland DGA, in collaboration with its partner Western Sensibility, has to further introduce digital printing technology to the interior design and architecture industries. Western Sensibility is an art-driven surface design and digital printing studio. In addition to generating a greater awareness of advanced Roland DG digital printing technologies within this space, the partnership will allow both companies to collaborate on product solutions, media offerings, and educational content.

Founded in 2021 by Kathryn Sanders and Leana Becker, Western Sensibility specializes in the design and production of sustainable textiles and wall-coverings for hospitality, commercial, and residential design and architectural projects. Over the past three years, the studio has experienced rapid growth and hopes to further expand its reach and creative capabilities by partnering with Roland DGA. While Western Sensibility has a long-standing relationship with Roland DGA, this new partnership will enable the studio to take its operation to an even higher level.

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