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Inca Digital launches remote system to monitor Inca printers for customer support

Inca Digital announces the launch of Inca Vision, a customer support service unique to Inca Digital flatbed UV inkjet printers. This new device lets Inca remotely and regularly monitor and diagnose a machine, and in many cases, catch issues before the customers decide to call for engineer service. By gathering data from machines globally on a daily basis, Inca engineers can conduct remote diagnostics to determine how well the printers are performing and whether there is need for intervention with engineering support.

Dashboards used by the Inca Digital Support Team offer a view of high-level data across all machines throughout the world. A RAG (Red, Amber, Green) screen allows the Inca Support Team to prioritise printers most urgently in need of attention and the team can also assist distributors and provide back-up data for any serious machine issues in their regions. Data can be interrogated at a detailed level per machine to help determine causes for any failures.

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