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GMS launches self-adhesive fabric Revivawall

Giclee Media Supplies (GSM) has released InkjetPro Revivawall, a new self-adhesive flexible woven polyester fabric. Revivawall is available for both pigment and eco-solvent inks. The product is made from pure polyester woven fibre and a special reusable self-adhesive that does not remove paint from most walls or leave a residue on glass. Revivawall can be either butt or overlap joined for use as temporary or permanent wallpaper, used indoors or externally and removed and re adhered to other clean non-porous surfaces.

In addition to wallpaper applications, the media can be used as display signage, art, cut-out figures, large stickers or in backlit applications. InkjetPro GicleeShield-HF gives additional adhesion to porous surfaces and adds an interior scuff resistant coating.

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