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GMG releases new simplified proofing software

GMG continues the drive to simplify the use of its solutions. In turn, the company has announced the launch of a new version of its proofing software, ColorProof 5.12, which automatically updates all proof standards as well as its special colour libraries, enabling GMG users to stay ahead of the game when it comes to proofing speed. ColorProof 5.12 automation continues to be a strong focus along with continued improvements on process stability. One example of this is the new automated update function that ensures proof standards and special colour databases are always up to date.

GMG links each proofing standard with all relevant system components – printer driver, proof substrates, calibration set and industry standard. For example, as soon as a new proofing standard is released all other parameters are updated and linked to the new standard. The only manual operation required is to accept the update prompt and all parameters are automatically downloaded and installed. This automation does not only save time, it also makes it impossible to accidentally load the wrong data, hence increasing process security of colour management system.

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