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Contra Vision introduces HD range of perforated window films

Contra Vision announces the introduction of a new HD rang of perforated window films that can be used anywhere that standard perforated window film is used, as well as in places previously not considered. This is due to the film’s micro perforations, which allow for greater detail and finer text. A regular user of Contra Vision film remarks that Contra Vision films get printed beautifully with see-through effect from inside – even from extreme angles and particularly like how graphics printed on it look on vehicle wraps.

The newly unwrapped HD range is ideal for use on a multitude of applications. Users can create the most vibrant window graphics thanks to 1mm diameter holes that are 60 percent smaller in area than standard one-way vision window films. The micro-perforated product range is a world first. This is a Contra Vision product range to the core, with all the key benefits that come with the Contra Vision Performance range, such as polymeric face film that prints well; unique universal liner featuring Grayliner for image integrity; compliant adhesive that supports easy application and clean removal.

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