Roland DGA’s two new and innovative VersaSTUDIO family of desktop devices – BD-8 UV flatbed printer and BY-20 direct-to-film printer, makes product personalization easier and more affordable than ever. BY-20 and its direct-to-film (DTF transfer) ink technology usher in a new era of desktop garment decoration for those in the apparel goods market. Both the BD-8 and BY-20 are small enough to fit on your desk, yet they’re capable of doing very big things. Plus, they are priced to suit the budgets and workflows of start-ups, smaller print shops, retail stores, and home-based businesses.
The addition of these advanced devices to our VersaSTUDIO lineup complements the series’ existing selection of compact, powerful inkjet printers, cutters, engravers, metal printers, and foil transfer devices, expanding the creative options for our customers. BD-8 is an advanced UV flatbed printer capable of high-definition direct printing on substrates and three-dimensional objects, up to A5 size and four inches (102 mm) in height. BY-20 desktop direct-to-film system also makes it possible for just about anyone to achieve professional-level results. It revolves around the BY-20, a water-based printer that uses the DTF transfer method to improve the design and efficiency of apparel goods production.