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Roland DGA launches two new VersaSTUDIO desktop devices

Roland DGA has announced the launch of two new, innovative products to its VersaSTUDIO family of desktop devices – VersaSTUDIO BD-8 UV flatbed printer and BY-20 direct-to-film printer. Being the first flatbed UV printer to be offered in Roland DG’s VersaSTUDIO Series, BD-8 makes product personalisation easier and more affordable than ever, while the BY-20 and its direct-to-film (DTF transfer) ink technology usher in a new era of desktop garment decoration for those in the apparel goods market. VersaSTUDIO BD-8 is an advanced UV flatbed printer capable of high-definition direct printing on substrates and three-dimensional objects, up to A5 size and four inches (102 mm) in height.

VersaSTUDIO BY-20 desktop direct-to-film system also makes it possible for just about anyone to achieve professional-level results. It’s centered around the BY-20, a water-based printer that uses the DTF transfer method to improve the design and efficiency of apparel goods production. Combining excellent print quality with outstanding productivity, the BY-20 lets you produce-stunning customized apparel and accessories quickly and easily with no weeding required. With the BY-20, you can transfer even complex designs onto both light and dark fabrics – not only cotton but also polyester, cotton polyester, denim, nylon, and rayon.

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