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New ONYX Graphics 12.2 software caters everything print professionals require

Built on the award winning ONYX heritage and reputation, the powerful and newly introduced ONYX 12.2 software delivers everything the print professional could ask for. It provides greater efficiency while also being easy and faster to use, offering enhanced performance for all print jobs. Because it streamlines workflows the entire print process becomes more productive, maximising productivity and profit and thus quickly providing a lucrative return on investment. In a nutshell, ONYX Graphics 12.2 software allows operators to do much more in less time – and with no loss of quality. And thanks to its smart operation users benefit from a more predictable print output and minimal wastage.

ONYX 12.2 version comes with improved RIP and data transfer processing speeds. The new software features multi-roll functionality; job scaling and rotation directly from the file open dialogue before sending jobs to the RIP queue; and cut workflow updates include the ability to handle multiple cut even path prefixes and duplication of cutter device settings, enabling greater automation. It is now available across the entire Onyx software product line including: Onyx Thrive workflow software; Onyx Production House; Onyx PosterShop; and Onyx RIPCenter RIP software.

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