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New Drytac HCW films to extend life of UV curable print

Drytac launches a new range of Protac high coat weight (HCW) pressure-sensitive laminates designed to overcome the challenges faced when laminating UV-printed output. All high coat weight films from Drytac have UV inhibitors within the adhesive – a clear coating that adds longevity to all UV inks. This is due to the fact that the inks are manufactured with minimum levels of inhibitors so they cure more efficiently. Drytac Protac HCW films have high levels of inhibitors which overcome this issue and protect UV-printed output from sun damage.

The newly unveiled films are Protac anti-graffiti (HCW) 50 micron PET, solvent adhesive; Protac anti-scratch resistant matte (HCW) 100 micron monomeric PVC, solvent adhesive; and Protac glossy (HCW) 80 micron monomeric PVC, solvent adhesive. Drytac’s entire range of films and adhesives are exclusively distributed throughout the UK and Ireland by Antalis.

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