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Inca Digital doubles its Onset manufacturing volume

In order to meet a considerable boost in demand for this powerful series of UV flatbed wide-format digital inkjet printers, Inca Digital has doubled its Onset manufacturing volume at its Cambridge facility in the UK. This follows the successful launch of the original Inca Onset in 2007, the Onset S20 in 2008 and high interest in the Onset S40 launched earlier this year.

The rise in the number of companies needing to invest in high-performance equipment to meet increased demand from their customers has resulted in a high volume of orders for Onsets over the last year from across Europe and the Americas.  In addition, many companies are now investing in second and third machines, either adding multiple S20s or adding an S20 or S40 alongside an Inca Onset as they start to switch to total digital print production and away from screen and large-format litho printing.

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