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GCC introduces barcode functionality for cutting plotter

GCC announces the launch of barcode functionality feature which is designed to streamline and automate the cutting process, offering businesses unmatched efficiency and precision. Compatible exclusively with GCC’s RXII model, the barcode feature operates seamlessly with the SmartCUT software. The barcode function allows the association of barcode with cutting files. By detecting the barcode, the RXII cutting plotter can automatically perform cutting tasks based on the barcode-associated files.

This new innovative process ensures precise and automated cutting, eliminating the need for manual intervention. One of the standout advantages of this barcode functionality is its ability to handle multiple cutting files effortlessly. By using a barcode, the RXII cutting plotter identifies the specific file to be cut, enabling a rapid, hands-free workflow. This automated process is now available on both roll media and sheet cutting, enhancing productivity and saving valuable time for businesses.

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