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Fedrigoni introduces Ri-Wrap Paint Protection car wrapping film

Italian company Fedrigoni has launched Ri-Wrap Paint Protection car wrapping film. A clear polyurethane film covering vehicle bodywork like a second skin, capable of rapid self-healing when damaged. This is Ri-Wrap Paint Protection Film, a protective film from Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives available in Premium and Ultimate versions, both featuring long lifetimes of 8 and 10 years respectively, as well as high conformability, allowing them to be applied on most curved surfaces. The high quality of the self-adhesive material results in a shiny and original looking car body for a long time and protection against the fading process caused by UV rays over the years.

The low surface tension also prevents dust from sticking to the material and protects against stains caused by insects or chemicals. The high-quality acrylic adhesive provides outstanding film adhesion, but also allows for easy removal without leaving residue on the bodywork. The difference between the two versions of Ri-Wrap can be found in their self-healing properties: Ri-Wrap Paint Protection Film Premium will regenerate when heated to 40°C with external heat sources—while the Ultimate version can also be regenerated at room temperature and most cases takes only a few minutes. The feature, exclusive to Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives, makes this product a unique solution on the market.

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