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Brett Martin semi-finished plastic sheet made of wood-based residue

Brett Martin is one of the leading European plastic sheet material manufacturers, which has rolled out a newest range of sustainable semi-finished plastic sheets. Among the new media, Foamalux Light Bio is low carbon high quality substrate made with 25 percent bio-attributed PVC derived from wood-based residue, originating from the sustainable forestry industry. This process, alongside 100 percent renewable energy powered production, reduces carbon emissions in the finished sheet by 20 percent and provides a fantastic solution to brands who seek to meet sustainability objectives.

As part of the company’s sustainability strategy, Brett Martin aims at reducing the impact of business operations, and in 2022, Planet Mark certification was achieved based on the commitment to continuous improvement in sustainability by measuring and reducing its carbon footprint. Brett Martin’s dedication to achieving net zero emissions is evident through renewable energy infrastructure. With a 2.3MWP wind turbine towering at 99.5 meters onsite and a 6.42MWp solar farm nearby, Brett Martin can quietly generate green energy, resulting in a savings of over 900 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

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