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Latest software makes JETRIX printers more user-friendly

Some complex challenges in wide-format printing have been further simplified with the newest GUI update in JETRIX KX printer range. Specifically developed with the operator in mind, the latest software update offers an enhanced user experience with several improvements introduced. New updates in the software include the ability to set the lamp power on a scale of 1 to 9, which means the printer delivers much more precision in terms of adaptability to suit the media type. The higher scale is better suited to robust firm media, whereas the lower scale enables a substrate traditionally impacted by high temperatures.

There is also a new flood tool which enables users of JETRIX KX series to print a flood white or black layer without the need to create a separate layer within the artwork file. Encouraging the most effective media use and therefore directly delivering cost savings, the system also facilitates the ability to easily map and move images around. The result: efficient use of the printing space, with the very minimum amount of media used for the job.

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