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XAAR claims feedbacks from users ‘valuable’

XAAR’s new online community is providing product and technical information 24×7 as the company makes it even easier for customers to work with its leading inkjet printhead technology. Since its launch in March this year, the portal has already become an invaluable tool, receiving excellent feedback from customers. The XXAR Community initially grew out of XAAR’s work with leading printer manufacturers, from whom it sought to understand customers’ needs generally, as well as the best ways to provide solutions for them.

In the unique eco-system of XAAR Community, answers to product questions, tips, and troubleshooting are converted into articles that are then made available to everyone in the knowledge centre, where they are accessible at anytime, anywhere in the world. The community also provides customers with easy, instant access to product information, technical documentation, ink waveforms, and software for products that they have either purchased or are interested in purchasing. In addition, the XAAR Community is a file sharing platform in which each individual customer has its own private area where XAAR employees can share files and resources with them to support the development projects they are working on together. With 667 registered customers and an average of 730 log-ins per month, the XAAR Community has so far proved extremely popular with customers.

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