Posters, wallpaper, banners, photo prints… there are many ways to decorate walls with prints. But there is also the option of printing directly onto the wall. German company WallPen offers the Evolution 2, the third generation of wall printers. Based in Wissen, Germany, where it also manufactures the printers and software, WallPen was founded in 2015 after several attempts with printers imported from China failed. The printing system consists of rails that are laid on the floor, a movable axis system for height, printheads, and electronics. The components are precision-manufactured to ensure high print quality and can be easily assembled and disassembled.
WallPen prints graphics with LED UV inks in process colour; a fifth color such as white is optional. The printheads use RICOH Gen 5 technology, offering a maximum resolution of 1,200 dpi. The print speed is 2 to 16sq m/hr. With extension kits, a print height of up to 3.5m can be achieved, while the print width is virtually unlimited. All surfaces can be printed on, and a primer is only required for very smooth surfaces such as glass. The printer is now available in Germany directly from WallPen and in other countries via sales partners, although partners are still being sought in some countries. (This news was originally published on June 4 in drupa 2024 daily.)