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SAi launches more powerful Flexi Signmaking software

SAi has announced the launch of Flexi 19, a more powerful and feature-rich update of its flagship signmaking software, engineered to meet the demanding design to production challenges of sign& display and large format print providers. Central to the super-charged, Flexi 19 is a faster and more high-performance 64-bit RIP engine. Thanks to an increase in speed of more than 30 percent, the new solution delivers significantly more thrust to greatly improve the production capabilities for sign & display and large format print businesses.

Created as an all-in-one solution for design, print, print-and-cut and direct-to-vinyl production workflow, Flexi 19 also comprises a host of invaluable, easy-to-use features and tools – some of which will be available free-of-charge to SAi subscription-based customers. These include more than a dozen brand new additions, each geared towards improving the design, production and business aspects of users’ operations. Within Flexi 19’s suite of production tools is a newly-introduced Cut by Layers or Colorstool, which allows users to expand their ability to cut intricate designs based on the layer. This builds on Flexi’s long-standing use of colours to distinguish between the different vinyls to be cut.

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