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Roland DG’s new Connect Version 3.0 app offers expanded operational capabilities

Roland DGA Corporation has introduced the new Roland DG Connect version 3.0, offering users additional options, features, and operational capabilities. It’s a cloud-based app that helps users create a more productive and efficient print operation environment with Roland DG devices, providing tools to improve workflow, visualize analytics, and optimize profitability. Additionally, Roland DG Connect makes it easy for users to access support documents and updates, remotely track machine status or usage, and download media output profiles.

While the ‘Standard’ Roland DG Connect app is available to owners of compatible Roland DG devices free of charge, two new subscription-based plans – ‘Professional’ and ‘Premium’ – are now available that further expand the app’s capabilities. All free and subscription-based plans include, among other features, ‘Printer Monitoring’, a ‘Device Dashboard’, and a ‘Business Dashboard’, which enables multidimensional analysis of a variety of data. This feature allows customers to quickly visualize detailed information on the ink consumption of multiple printers, printing time, output in square meters, usage time, and the achievement of target operation rates. Now included in both the Professional and Premium plans is a “multi-user function” that allows customers to view information on devices at locations that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access directly.

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