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Roland DGA’s DG DIMENSE technology creates stunning visual & tactile effects

Award-winning Roland DGA’s DG DIMENSE technology offers revolutionary digital printing technology that allows users to produce one-of-a-kind textured wallcoverings, wall art, and other interior design elements, as well as eye-catching signage, displays, packaging, and more. Centered around the advanced Dimensor S, this patented solution combines a specialised inket printer, proprietary media, and specially formulated water-based inks to create 3D textured prints and full-colour graphics in a single, seamless process. This sustainable, eco-friendly process is made possible by the unique interaction of the ink and media when heated to create a controllable raised surface.

After all, every printed image and graphic produced on Roland DGA’s DG DIMENSE can foam up to 1.5 mm in height and 1.58 m in width, creating stunning visual and tactile effects. The technology has been honoured with an NKBA Manhattan Inspire Award for ‘Best Wallcoverings/Wall Treatment’ at the Boutique Design New York (BDNY) 2024, the leading trade fair and conference for boutique hotel design, which took place in November this year. Produced by the NKBA-Manhattan Chapter and sponsored by aspire design and home magazine, the Inspire awards recognize the most innovative and exciting exhibitors at this important event, with a focus on all the categories beyond kitchen and bath that inspire designers to do their best work.

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