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Roland DG launches new larger benchtop flatbed UV printer

Roland DG has introduced the VersaUV LEF-20, a new addition to its line of benchtop flatbed UV inkjet printers.
At 20 inches (508mm) wide, the LEF-20 combines award-winning print technology, a new, more powerful LED curing system, advanced ECO-UV inks and optimised print control technology to bring greater productivity, outstanding print quality and ease of use to providers of custom promotional products, giftware and awards, as well as product designers and businesses specialising in UV printed items for the packaging and prototyping markets.

LEF-20 prints directly on materials measuring up to 508 mm width, 330 mm length and 100 mm in height. Its powerful UV-LED lamp cures the ink much faster than the previous model. With this feature, users can automatically set up the LEF-20 for their most popular jobs, saving valuable time and labour. The innovative UV-LED lamp cures UV inks instantly and allows users to print directly on a wide variety of substrates, including PET, ABS, polycarbonate, etc.

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