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EPSON announces 44-inch SureColor dye-sub printer

EPSON SC-F6360 is designed to replace small-format screen printing with a flexible low-cost solution that enables repeatable high-quality output production with minimal equipment, materials and mess. This new dye-sub printer produces images that are bright and colourful, but also extremely durable. It can be used for imaging onto fabric with 50 percent or more artificial content such as Polyester, Lycra and Neoprene. It can also be used on PVC, poly film, and materials which will accept a polyester spray and resist damage through short-term exposure to heat and pressure such as ceramic, glass, metal, coated plywood, certain plastics, fibreglass and polycarbonates.

When combined with the advanced EPSON ink, MicroPiezo printhead and dye sublimation process, EPSON SC-F6360 enables to achieve output that traditional equipment with 6 or 8 colours would be grateful for, using just 4 inks. The ink ships in inexpensive 1.1L bags and each print consumes very little ink. The printer consumes minimal power and can be operated in a ventilated office environment. Replacing the F6200, the new model supports user self-set-up and a high degree of user self-maintenance complete with self-help videos activated by a QR-Code. The printed will be unpacked in Australia at PrintEx19 from August 13-16, 2019.

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