EFI has announced commercial availability of its VUTEk BioVu inks – the first environmentally friendly solvent inks made with totally renewable resources. BioVu is EFI’s another ‘green’ initiatives and part of the company’s long-held commitment to improving the environment and benefiting its global customers. “Unlike many new products, which are step change improvements, BioVu ink is a revolutionary advancement that will improve not only our customers’ environmental footprint, but also their bottom lines,” said Guy Gecht, EFI CEO.
VUTEk BioVu inks from EFI is the first solvent-based ink made from a renewable resource (derived from corn), and the only ink recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), thereby establishing an entirely new category of environmentally friendly inks. The ink is made from food-grade ingredients yet delivers the benefits of traditional solvent inks without the compromises inherent in eco-solvent and aqueous inks. This includes the same colour gamut as traditional solvent inks so that users can seamlessly switch to these environmentally conscious inks with no workflow or prepress process modifications.
The business benefits of VUTEk BioVu inks include lower disposal costs since there are no hazardous materials (hazmat); reduced odour on final printed materials; and a more comfortable working environment for employees. In new shops or installations, no ventilation and burner systems are required to meet OSHA regulations since there are no harmful Volatile Organic Compounds emissions.