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EasyCut announces updated version of EasyCut Pro vinyl cutting software

EasyCut Pro 5.1.02 is the latest and updated version of EasyCut’s vinyl cutting software. This 32-bit and 64-bit vinyl cutting software is designed for Windows and macOS, bringing a significant increase in speed for all operations with its multi-core optimisations. The previous versions of EasySignCut Pro 4 only supported 32-bit machines. Since 64-bit systems are more and more popular today, many Windows 10 and macOS Catalina users run 64-bit machines.

After six months of extensive R&D and optimisation, EasyCut is finally able to deliver 64-bit versions of its vinyl cutting software. Both 32-bit and 64-bit OS machines are supported. The new update also offers a wide range of features, making the tool even more efficient than before. EasyCut Pro 5 provides streamlined workflows and user-friendly interface that sign makers specified, and faster processing speeds. Large images are not only processed faster during the design application, but also throughout the printing and cutting process.


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