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AGFA’s Apogee workflow solution adapted for large-format production

AGFA Graphics introduces an automated workflow solution for wide format users. Offering a dedicated option based on its Apogee workflow technology, Asanti is designed for entry level and midsized production companies looking to streamline their productivity, integrate colour consistency and fidelity, and enable fully accountable end-to-end quality management. Sign and display producers looking to improve efficiency, save time and lower costs across all areas of pre-press and production including file handling, colour management, RIPping and pre-flighting can bring all these elements together in a single PDF-based Asanti workflow.

The company’s Asanti also interfaces with third-party RIPs and print engines. As a production hub that uses a common user interface, it enables operators to take input from various sources, including Asanti StoreFront, standardising functions to ensure consistent colour reliability and profiles, regardless of the type or number of output and finishing devices.

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