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3M’s next generation of wrap film

3M Commercial Graphics is changing the graphics world again with the launch of 3M Envision Wrap Films, part of a new line of products that offer leading edge technology and best-in-class performance with a sustainability edge. As the world’s first high-performance, non-polyvinyl chloride (non-PVC) graphic films, 3M™ Envision™ Print Wrap Film 480Cv3 and 3M™ Envision™ Gloss Wrap Overlaminate 8548Goutperform not just non-PVC wrap films, but all wrap films.

For applications that demand outstanding performance, 3M™ Envision Wrap Films provide groundbreaking solutions: High application versatility:3M™ Envision™ Wrap Films can be used to wrap vehicles, trailers, box trucks, boats, buses, motorcycles, textured walls and more. Highly conformable: Films go down, around and into flat or complex shapes and stay down. The innovative 3M™ Envision™ Wrap Filmsstretch up to 150 percent when you want them to and will not lift, among other unique features.

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