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3M launches first graphic films that optimise LED light

3M Commercial Graphics is helping graphics manufacturers and sign builders embrace the future with LED lighting. The company’s new 3M Envision Translucent Films and 3M Envision Diffuser Films are industry breakthroughs – the first graphic films optimised for use with LEDs – letting graphics manufacturers achieve maximum sign face brightness while requiring fewer light sources. Now, sign shops no longer need to add more LEDs to reach the level of brilliance they want.

3M Envision Translucent and Diffuser Films help graphics manufacturers create richly coloured backlit signs with even sign illumination and no hot spots. Using these films, shops can achieve the same level of brightness with fewer LEDs, reducing material and maintenance costs while providing the great look that customers expect.1 Alternately, graphics manufacturers can keep the same number of LEDs and increase a sign’s brightness even more. With the following films, shops have appealing new.

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