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Vista System launches new solution for big signs

Vista System Signage Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru has expanded big sized signs with new and elegant collection for uses in the state-of-the-art technology to create amazing, eye catching and bigger than life signage solutions. The company offers various signage types: wall frames, double-sided pylons, post & panel and more. It supports a wide selection of graphic inserts that are held firmly inside the frames thanks to the smart profile design.

Vista System was originally designed as a sign frame holder for a wide range of applications. This feature gives Vista System a huge advantage over other sign systems. The system is designed to handle almost all the applications and materials used in the sign industry. This includes various materials made by many manufacturing techniques, such as printed-paper, engraved, embossed, screen-printed substrates, photo-metal, photo-polymer, vinyl graphics, etc.

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