Since it was announced in 2022 and the first stone was laid, ORAFOL has covered its new Hall 10 (H10) which is ultra-high-technology production facility based at its headquarters in Oranienburg, Germany. It has to be set for trial operational soon. ORAFOL began the construction of the plant in 1995 at the Oranienburg Industrial Park North. The old location in the former Walter-Küchenmeister-Straße had become too small to ensure the necessary performance development.
The success of the previous financial year gave ORAFOL the opportunity to build a new one, implementing its visions, and shape its future through independent actions. This was extraordinary, only a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, dividing in East and West Germany. Numerous former GDR industrial companies were simply being wound up and the competition seemed overpowering, but ORAFOL persisted. Combined with a highly committed team, this strategy has led the company and it continues to lead from the front.