According to the latest report of WOO (World Out of Home Organization), formerly FEPE International, its ha s been estimated that the Out-of-Home (OOH) global advertising is going to hit USD$ 41.9 billion in 2025 and now accounts for 5.2 percent of global advertising expenditure. The report further mentions that the leader in transition of DOOH digital screen networks is Australia, with 76 percent of OOH spend via digital billboard screens, well ahead of the UK at 65 percent and China at 40 percent.
Out of Home advertising is predicted to grow further to USD$45.3billion forecast for 2024. The 2024 WOO Expenditure survey captures expenditure globally for OOH across 2023 and give estimates of OOH expenditure for 2024. It is conducted by the use of a short form questionnaire to WOO members and OOH associations across the world and represents the most comprehensive survey of OOH expenditure globally. Building on data for each year back to 2019, the WOO Global Expenditure survey allows it to track the effect of and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic alongside local economic conditions and the investment into DOOH as it drives growth for OOH globally.