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Mothercare cares for Indian market, eying 70 stores this year

Babycare retailer Mothercare, which now has 1,115 stores in 52 countries, saw its fourth successive year of like-for-like sales growth in the UK but is “planning cautiously” for more sluggish conditions as shoppers feel the squeeze. The company is driving its overseas operations through franchising, which allows it to profit from royalties on international sales for the use of its brands without heavy capital investment. The group is targeting India as key growth markets after forming joint ventures with local partners. Mothercare expects to have 70 stores in India open by the end of the current year, with a medium-term target of 200. Now, a care for a new business with the opening of Mothercare stores is for the signage companies, such as in-store media majors, signage suppliers, etc.


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