Global place maker Moss has brought a touch of glamour to one of London’s leading exhibition venues, creating a space worthy of the 250 artefacts, many belonging to Marilyn Monroe, that tell the story of her life. With Moss’s extensive range of sustainable graphics, ‘MARILYN – The Exhibition’ at Arches London Bridge unveils the mystique of this prolific icon for the first time in the UK. Working with Kilimanjaro Live, Moss began to transform the venue a month ahead of the opening to ensure Marilyn was seamlessly welcomed into the venue. A wide array of graphics and materials were used to match the exhibit’s exploration of Marilyn’s life. Intricately cut vinyls and large tension fabric graphics framed the displays and external windows, while a series of bollard covers were used to promote the show outside.
Sustainability was a key consideration for this project. Moss worked with Studioshaw, designer of the exhibition, and Mitre and Mondays, who installed the innovative Honext board, to best represent the artwork and memorabilia whilst also bringing a sustainable edge. To ensure the best results with this fully recycled and distinctively textured material, a careful sampling process was undertaken. High-tack heat adhesive vinyl, tensioned fabric and heritage boards were applied to the Honext board to show the intricate designs and achieve the best results with this carbon-negative product.