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MIMAKI to unleash 3D printing capabilities at Formnext 2024


MIMAKI Europe has announced that they will unleash 3D printing technologies at Formnext 2024, which is scheduled from November 19 – 22 at Frankfurt, Germany. As a leading full-colour 3D printing expert, MIMAKI has set to showcase its 3D printing portfolio at the show, demonstrating its vast potential across multiple industries through various applications from companies and creative across the world. In disciplines such as design, engineering, medical and the arts, MIMAKI’s full-colour 3DUJ Series allows users to create realistic, intricate prototypes, art pieces and models. This innovative technology is already installed in businesses across the world, but MIMAKI is also actively supporting universities and other educational facilities to bring the benefits of full colour 3D printing to their students.

MIMAKI’s 3D UV-curable inkjet printers, such as 3DUJ-553 and 3DUJ-2207, offer the ability to print in over 10 million colours and utilise clear, translucent ink. These attributes enable students to experiment with complex vibrant designs and visual effects, improving their understanding of material properties and product aesthetics. MIMAKI also supports initiatives that enable students to access colour 3D printing outside of the classroom. Earlier this year, MIMAKI, Adobe and Creapole Design School in Paris teamed up to reproduce product design students’ footwear designs as tangible 3D printed models as part of a three-day workshop.  (PHOTO: WTT)

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