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FESPA’s World Wrap Masters returns to FESPA Digital 2014

As part of FESPA’s Feature Hub programme, FESPA’sWorld Wrap Masters will return for FESPA Digital 2014 on May 20-23, 2014 with a brand new competition format. The pro wrap competition will remain the focal point of the World Wrap Masters, in which up to 36 individuals from across the globe will go head-to-head to compete to become the World Wrap Master. Taking place in the Wrap Hub, this year’s participants will not just be wrapping cars, but will also have the chance to wrap an array of more challenging items such as mannequins, bathroom fittings and Scandyna Podspeakers to showcase the wider applications of wrapping.

Piotr Cinski who was crowned FESPA World Wrap Master at FESPA 2013 in London returns to the competition this year as a judge alongside regular Wrap Master judge, Ole Solskin. Pro-wrappers will compete in the four day competition to win the €3,000 cash prize. Where it has traditionally been cars that have been wrapped, people are now using the technique to develop creative and inspiring applications.

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