Seiko Epson Corporation, the world’s leader in digital imaging solutions, has been working with ESRI to create a means for quickly publishing large map prints and maintaining premium print quality. The result is the new ArcPress Epson Universal driver, which is released as a new feature of ArcGIS Desktop 9.2.
Epson Stylus Pro printers have long been supported by ArcGIS software. Now the ArcPress Epson Universal driver brings support to the highest level, by enabling the high-capacity ArcPress printer engine to print on Stylus Pro printers.
“This partnership between Epson and ESRI has allowed us to combine our newly developed Epson Stylus Pro printers with ESRI’s ArcGIS 9.2 software in order to address the diversifying needs of GIS users in the best possible way,” said Hiroshi Sotokawa, general manager of Epson’s Inkjet Printer & Photo Product Design Department.
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