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Digital Color Graphics invests in EFI technology for technical improvement

Since inception, Digital Color Graphics (DCG) has been updating itself technically. And further continuing the trend, DCG will, once again, show that their business goes beyond print with the introduction of DCG: FAST (Fulfillment and Automated Sales Team) webto- print services powered by EFI PrinterSite Exchange in December 2007.

As part of a continuing partnership with international printing technology leader EFI (Electronics For Imaging), DCG has invested in a full-scale overhaul of their software, implementing EFI Logic management information system along with an online component – PrinterSite Exchange – designed to increase customer access to DCG’s printing capabilities. More than $100k will be spent on software development and upgrades.

DCG is no stranger to the changes in the mercurial printing industry. It recently moved to a larger facility in the trade-free zone near the Indianapolis International Airport in order to position the company to grow with the changes ahead. DCG also went completely digital in its printing solutions after purchasing the Xerox iGen3 110 printing engine powered by a Fiery Q5000, and selling its traditional film output device

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