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ColorJet UV flatbed printers change landscape of almirah printing

The trend of customisation of personal belongings is on the rise. The ColorJet UV flatbed printers are here to change the landscape of the almirah printing industry. The market is now projecting an increase in demand for the printed home-furnishing products. In addition to being in demand for the B2C market, it has the potential to cater the B2B segment by servicing industries like furniture design & production, architectural rendering, interior designing, and wood veneer manufacturing among many more.

As per the joint research by Apsom and ColorJet, the almirah printing industry has grown at a CAGR of about 35 percent in the past year. These state-of-the-art ColorJet printers help bring imagination to life quickly, seamlessly, and as desired. One can print approximately 1000 almirah panels in a month (each panel size of 18 sq ft). The printing process with ColorJet UV flatbed printers is simple and delivers more than desirable results. While printing almirah panels, there’s no need for pre-coating, panels can be printed directly.

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