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3M unveils IJ 380…. intelligent film for van wraps

3M has recently launched its new brand Controltac Plus Graphic Film IJ 380, which has got high conformability for applications onto recesses and deep channels with excellent image performance with solvent, ecosolvent and low solvent piezo inkjet printers. The excellent hiding power (opacity) allows the reposition of the graphics during application for easier installation of large formats.

It is 0.05 mm white opaque cast vinyl film with 110-g/m2 -basis weight (film and adhesive). The optimum application temperature (air and substrate) is around 15°C – 25°C, and at higher temperatures, the use of application tape is recommended.

Moreover, this new intelligent film shows no tendency to return to their original shape, making them most suitable for extreme graphic applications, including full van wrap where 3D conformity is required

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