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Partners in quality: Brook International Brook-7 pre-treatment and DuPont

Brook International has recently announced that they have approved DuPont Artistri as a marketing partner with the supply of fabrics ready for use on the DuPont Artistri 2020 and DuPont Artistri 3320 print machines. This means that by using Brook International fabrics with the new pre-treatment – Brook-7 – together with the DuPont Artistri print machines, one can be assured of excellent results.

The new pre-treatment was the result of a development programme aimed at improving the print results for customers who print direct-to-textile. This has been achieved by a series of trials where the Brook-7 pre-treatment was carefully engineered and refined to give the best possible results. The colours are remarkable and the brightest and most vibrant achievable with unparalleled print clarity.

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