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Biodegradable Star Flex PVC

White opaque substrate for small and wide-format frontlit displays, STARFLEX BioMedia is a weather resistant landfill biodegradable PVC. This media available in the sizes ranging from 31” to 210” have been tested for biodegradation. The test procedure carried in a way that untreated flexible PVC and biodegradable treated PVC samples were collected and cleaned in alkaline soap with water. The samples were rinsed in de-ionized water, dried and mounted with double-sided conductive tape to aluminium stubs, the vacuum evaporated with gold-palladium alloy to provide a conductive coating under the electron beam.

Analysis of the samples at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences/Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico revealed that microbial colonies are found on the surface of the treated sample, but absent in untreated sample. Depressions around the colonies indicate that they are degrading the material. Since these changes are occurring on the treated sample, they could only be the result of the treated PVC.

Seamless biodegradable STARFLEX BioMedia are well matched with solvent and UV printers. Sun Sign & Technologies, Delhi are the authorised dealer of this high-quality media in India.

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